27 Jan 2022

Rector’s Announcement No 2/2022

Announcement No. 2/2022
Of the Rector of the Medical University of Silesia
in Katowice
of 25th January 2022

Dear Students/PhD Candidates of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.

Due to many questions concerning a possible inability to take exams in the winter examination session in the academic year 2021/2022 due to being in isolation or quarantine by the Sanitary Inspection I would like to inform you about the following:

  1. absence at the exams/credits (including graded credit) will be excused,
  2. individual exam/credit (including graded credit) dates will be reinstated,
  3. failure to take pre-session credit for the above-mentioned reasons will be excused, with the option of taking the above-mentioned credit at a later date

A Student/PhD who has passed the classes in a given course will be allowed to take the final examis/credits at a later date than the end of the examination session designated in accordance with the Rector’s Order No. 52/2021 dated March 15, 2021.

Decisions on the basis of the system document “e-Health Center” from the Internet Patient Account on the issues raised above are at the discretion of the persons authorized to conduct exams/credits (including assessment credits).

Professor Tomasz Szczepański, MD, PhD
of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice